News Unmasked 2023



The News Unmasked competition aims to explore the limitations of large image-language models in understanding the relationship of an image with a headline. Large language model(LLMs) have been successfully used in natural language processing tasks, such as text classification and language generation and are increasingly being used in real world applications. One such field is journalism where these models can potentially be used for headline generation. LLM based models for text generation can be used to generate headline, which - though factually correct - might not be best suited for the chosen image in a publication.

Since headlines and images often work together to communicate an emotion to a reader, the competition aims to understand how the images are related with the semantic characteristics of the text (headline)

Data and Task collection: 

In this competition, participants are expected to predict masked words in headlines associated with a given image, considering the subject, image context, the emotional impact of the image, etc. The challenge explores the effectiveness of large models in generating headlines, with the aim of improving our understanding of the impact of image choice on headline perception and vice versa. Such an understanding of relationships between language and images are important for the application of large models.

The dataset consists of images and their associated news section, paired with headlines that have a few words masked. The goal is to predict the missing words in the headlines.

The above illustration shows an example of a headline-image pair as seen in the New York Times publication. The image above shows “many people” (objects) of a certain ethnicity, “working” (activity) with a certain kind of “facial expression.” “Cigarette,” though not clearly visible in the image, is explicit in the headline. The keywords convey a certain emotion that can affect the choice of predicted masked words in the sentence “Cigarette Giants in [MASK] Fight on [MASK] Rules.” For example, “local” fight and “lighter” rules doesnt fit with the narrative of “international news about many people of a certain ethnicity working with cigarettes.”

Use of external data which exclusively includes New York Times (NYT) data is forbidden. If you use any other kind of external data, it should be mentioned in the report. See the dataset description for more details.

Evaluation: Submissions are evaluated using the cosine similarity score between the predicted and actual masked words. 

