Peer Reviewed Publications

with Anaka Aiyar

Health Economics, January 2024

with Wei Chang, Jessica Cohen and others

Infectious Diseases of Poverty, December 2023

with Heidi Kalia and David Sahn

Journal of African Economies, September 2023

with Soumya Gupta and Prabhu Pingali

PLOS One, November 2023

with Prateek Wadmare, Mansi Nanda, Ricardo Sabates, and Wilima Wadhwa

International Journal of Educational Research, August 2022

with Fjolla Kondirolli

Health Economics, July 2022

with Prateek Bansal, Alok Raj and Dhirendra Shukla

Vaccine, March 2022

with Christophe Nordman and Smriti Sharma

Economic Development and Cultural Change (EDCC), February 2022

with Yanan Li

Journal of Development Studies, January 2022

with Yanan Li

Economics and Human Biology, December 2021

with Soumya Gupta and Prabhu Pingali 

Food and Nutrition Bulletin, August 2020

with Soumya Gupta and Prabhu Pingali 

Food and Nutrition Bulletin, June 2020

with Prateek Bansal and Ricardo Daziano

Journal of Choice Modelling, December 2019

with Prabhu Pingali

Annual Review of Resource Economics, October 2017