Our Pepeha

Ko Te Tarai o Rahiri te maunga

Ko Mangakahia te awa

Ko Mataatua te waka

Ko Ngati Toki te hapu

Ko Te Tarai o Rahiri te Marae

Ko Pakotai te kura

Anei he waiata i titohia e tetahi uri no Ngati Toki, Ko Te Ringakaha Tia-Ward tona ingoa, hei whangaihia to tatou pepeha ki nga uri katoa i heke mai nei i a Te Arai rao ko Toki

Here is a waiata sung by Pakotai students in 2020. This song was composed by a young descendant of Ngati Toki called Te Ringakaha Tia-Ward. This song was written for all the descendants of Te Arai and Toki to learn their pepeha through waiata.