About Me

About Mr. Binschus

After attending the University of Oregon, I acquired a degree in Architecture, with a minor in Business and Art History. I practiced architecture for several years before I found my way to teaching. While I thoroughly enjoy the craft of architecture, I believe teaching is where I am most useful to our society. After pursuing a dream to hike 2600 miles from Mexico to Canada, I returned to school where I acquired my Master of Arts in Teaching at Concordia University in Portland, Oregon. I moved to Whidbey Island to pursue the art of teaching in Oak Harbor, where I taught for two years.

The 2017-18 school year is my fourth year teaching at Corbett High School.

I am From

by Roger Binschus

I am from the last frontier and northern lights.

Darkness that falls for months on end;

Where moonlight shines softly upon the snow

Until daylight wins the battle for the summer months.

I am from “It was your brother’s, but now it is yours.”

“Fair enough”

“Six of one, half a dozen of the other”

And “You are not your brother’s keeper.”

I am from meat and potatoes

Fruit suspended in afterschool Jell-O;

Daily desserts dished up after dinner;

And tubs of fudge delivered like clockwork on birthdays.

I am from exploring with excitement;

Arguing and winning;

Competing with siblings;

And scouting for growth.

I am from the forest;

Golden shadows at dusk;

Dew drenched dome tents at dawn;

And mountains inviting the conqueror.

I am from the collective

“On my honor,” with the scouts;

“Play from the heart,” with the jazz band;

Basement parties in multi-colored socks.

“Happiness only real when shared.”

I am from then And I am from now.

Late nights reading tips for my future

Fist pumps with blueberries

Examining my experiences under a microscope

Realizing that I am now “on the shoulders of giants”

I have listened, and now I speak.

What a journey!

What’s next?