Classroom Information

2nd Grade Curriculum


We use the Envision Math series. This year your child will memorize addition and subtraction facts, learn place value, tell time, learn names of geometric shapes, practice measurement, and use fractions. A homework page accompanies each lesson. Please help your child complete the page as needed and return it to school the next day.


We use a language arts series called Wonders. The program incorporates writing, whole group reading as well as small group differentiated reading. Wonders also has a social-emotional piece that will be helpful in figuring out those first grade feelings.


Each week your child will get new spelling words. On Monday they will be given the word list. Not all students will have the same spelling lists. The lists will be differentiated to meet the needs of your child specifically. Please help your child practice these words throughout the week in preparation for our test (usually on Friday.) There will also be 3 extra unknown words on the test so that I can see that they can apply the spelling pattern to other words as well as 2 mystery sight words. These spelling grades will be a portion, but not all, of your child’s writing conventions grade for the report cards.


We use National Geographic's Science curriculum as well as some fun experiments and engineering projects throughout the school year.

Social Studies

We use My World curriculum as well as other materials that help with social emotional learning. Most Social studies standards address the concept of building the school and classroom community

Scheduling and Logistics


Our class lunch time is 11:35-12:10. They eat in the classrooms at their desk. Lunch monitors are rotating throughout the classrooms so please pack things that your child can open independently. Please do not send soda pop in your child’s lunch.


Our kids will go outside for recess unless it is raining or less than 20 degrees. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. In the winter, your child may put on snow boots and snow pants to play in the snow at recess.

Specials Schedule

The students will partake in arts enriched activities throughout the week. On P.E. days please have them dressed in appropriate attire for gym activities (athletic shoes, and non-restricting). The specials schedule is as follows but is subject to change. I will notify you of any changes as soon as possible.

Monday- P.E., Technology

Tuesday- Music, Library

Wednesday- Art

Thursday- P.E.

Friday- Music


Birthdays are special, and your child is welcome to bring in something to share to celebrate his/her birthday with the class! Children with summer birthdays can choose to celebrate on their half-birthdays, or at another time during the year. Please note, a building wide policy has been adopted that prohibits food items for birthday celebrations. However, your child is welcome to bring small tokens to share such as stickers, pencils, etc. If your child would like to invite classmates to a birthday party, please do not send invitations to pass out at school unless all are invited. Thank you for your help.