Data Privacy & Security
Rights & Responsibilities
On this page, you will find the following information:
Important Contacts
Data Protection Officer
Dr. Jeanette Altruda
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
631-842-4015 x510
Dr. Jonathan Krawchuk
Executive Director of Technology. Data, & Assessment
631-842-4015 x513
Protecting Student Data
What is Education Law 2-D ?
Copiague Schools
Keeping Cyber Safe.
Parent Bill of Rights for Data Privacy
Family Rights and Privacy (FERPA)
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
Unless objection to any of the specific items of information following submission in writing by parents or legal guardians, or by those students themselves who are 18 years of age and older, the Copiague School District herewith gives notice of intention to provide, release or publish in the Copiague newsletter, school or student newspapers, magazines, yearbooks or other publications, daily or weekly newspapers, television and other media, athletic programs, musical or theatrical programs, news releases, military recruiters and the Suffolk County Commissioner of Jurors, any and/or all of the following information pertaining to students as may be appropriate under the circumstances: name of student, names of parents/guardians, address, telephone listings, age, date and place of birth, height and weight, grade, major field of study, participation in recognized school activities, extracurricular activities, and sports programs, academic honors, achievements, awards, scholarships and similar information.
Students' Records
The Copiague Public Schools collect, record, and maintain information regarding students’ educational programs as required by State regulations. The sum total of this information is designated as the educational record. This record will be utilized to record the educational progress of each student.
All student records are open to inspection and review by the parent, or upon written authorization by the parent, to other agencies and/or individuals. A detailed Board of Education policy on student records is on file in the district office, all schools, and the public library.
Questions concerning this policy may be referred to the Office of Student Services at 631-842-4015, ext. 520
For more information:
Designated Directory Information
The school district designates the following personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education record as “directory information” and shall release the information without prior written consent, unless it is for commercial purposes.
Student’s name and date of birth (if required for school-sponsored course, organization, activity or report)
Name(s) of the student’s parent(s) or legal guardians
Student’s address and phone number to law enforcement authorities for the purposes of complying with active investigations
Student’s grade designation (i.e. first grade, tenth grade, etc.)
Student’s extracurricular school activities and offices (e.g. member of the Math Club; Secretary of Student Council)
Student’s school achievement, awards and honors (e.g. member of National Honor Society; selected for MVP award in Soccer)
Relevant statistics and personal data if a member of an athletic team or other school sponsored course, organization or activity
Present and previous school(s) attended by the student
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) affords parents certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams.
Parents/Guardians have the right to Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following protected areas if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education or is issued by a “third party”:
Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent’
Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family;
Sex behavior or attitudes’
Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior’
Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
Legally recognized privileged relationships such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers’
Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or
Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
PPRA Guidance
Parents/Guardians have the right to Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of:
1. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding;
2. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or required under State law; and
3. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others.
Parents/Guardians have the right to Inspect, upon request and before administration or use:
1. Protected information surveys of students;
2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above marketing, sales or other distribution purposes; and
3. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum.
Dr. Jonathan Krawchuk
Executive Director of Technology. Data, & Assessment
631-842-4015 x513
We are here to help!
Dr. Jeanette Altruda
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
631-842-4015 x510
Data Breech Complaints
Parents have the right to file complaints about possible breaches of student data.
To file a complaint contact Dr. Jeanette Altruda, Data Privacy Officer @ An investigation will occur with findings reported to the complainant within 60 days.
For more information regarding data breech complaints visit NYSED Data Privacy & Security.
Let us Know.
Opt Out
Under Title 34 , US Code, Part 99, Privacy Rights of Parents and Students, parents who do not desire the release of any of the directory information must make a specific request in writing to the building principal by September 30th of the school year. Failure to make such a request shall be deemed as consent to release, provide, or publish the directory information during the school year.