Cooper Circle

Cooper Circle

Cooperstown, New York has an important literary history starting with James Fenimore Cooper, through his daughter, Susan Fenimore Cooper, to Louis C. Jones and modern writers like Lauren Groff, Kevin Guilfoile, Callie Wright, and others.

Cooperstown Central School strives to educate beyond the walls of our classrooms. As a result, we are creating the James Fenimore Cooper Circle to recognize those in our community who have published and continue to share their love of literature.

James Fenimore Cooper Society

48 titles available on Project Gutenberg by James Fenimore Cooper

Susan Fenimore Cooper

4 titles available on Project Gutenberg by Susan Fenimore Cooper

Cooperstown Graduates and their literary works

Rebecca Additon

  • It Doesn't Look Like a Monster: A Visit to Fenway Park

Benjamin Dangl @bendangl

  • Dancing with Dynamite: Social Movements and States in Latin America

  • The Price of Fire: Resource Wars and Social Movements in Bolivia

Lauren Groff @legroff

  • The Monsters of Templeton

  • Delicate Edible Birds

  • Arcadia

  • Fates and Furies

  • Florida

  • Matrix

Kevin Guilfoile @kevinguilfoile

  • Cast of Shadows

  • The Thousand

  • A Drive into the Gap

Thomas Murphy Sweethearts and Heroes

13 Pillows for Affective Teachers by Sweethearts and Heroes

Taylor Powers @TRPowers24

  • The Adventures of Summerswill: Book 1: Aloft

  • The Adventures of Summerswill: Book 2: The Legacy

  • The Adventures of the Summerswill: The Crux: Part 1 (Volume 3)

Lucy Schaeffer

  • School Lunch: Unpacking Our Shared Stories

Callie Wright @WrightCallie

  • Love All