What is Case Management?
Case Management assists individuals determined eligible for service from the Division of Developmental Disabilities in accessing comprehensive medical, social, educational and other specialized services. Case Managers, or Service Coordinators, are professionals who are trained in the field of mental health and/or closely related fields. Each individual who receives services from the Division of Developmental Disabilities is assigned a service coordinator who will assist the person, and his or her family, to identify, locate, coordinate and monitor services that meet the individual’s distinct needs.
For some Missourians, case management is only available from the state through Regional Offices. In Cooper County, this service is available locally from the Cooper County Board of Sheltered Services, which is a county Senate Bill 40 Board.
What Case Management Offers You
Time spent with you developing a working plan to address the identified supports you need.
An active role in all aspects of services you receive.
Assistance finding resources within the community.
Referrals to community resources such as transportation, counseling, therapy, recreational groups, etc.
Monitoring of services that you receive; to guarantee quality and proper delivery.
Assistance completing paperwork.
Creativity and flexibility of time and resources offered.
Information in a timely manner.
Accountability of services authorized and money allocated.
CCBSS Case Management Mission Statement
To help maximize the potential of Cooper County residents with developmental disabilities by providing them and their families with advocacy, assistance with accessing community services, and helping them plan for a future with the highest possible quality of life.