During Exams

Being Late or ill on exam days

If you know you will be late to an exam, call the school 020 8949 1537.

You will be allowed to sit your exam with the full time of the paper but if you are very late, we will have to notify the relevant exam-board and it is their decision if they accept your exam paper.

If you are sick on the day of an exam, call and speak to Miss Pettifer,  our Exams Officer.

A doctor's note will be required as evidence to send to the exam-boards, if you are too ill to attend your exam.

Unforeseen and exceptional circumstances

There may unforeseen circumstances/ exceptional circumstances which happen to a student whilst sitting their exams which may disadvantage them.

These can be a wide range of difficulties, emotional or physical.  Some of examples of this are:

Evidence may be required by Exam-boards

Please contact Miss Pettifer on 020 8949 1537 to discuss or email exams@coombeboysschool.org 

Advice and information