
Welcome to our Library/Learning Commons website! Here, you will have direct access to a number of things pertaining directly to our library and learning commons. I welcome any ideas, thoughts, or concerns. Please feel free to send me an email or give a phone call. We are truly a team here at AES and need each other to make this work. I feel there are 3 major components to a successful school year. Teacher, parent and child. The latter being the most important. I am constantly aware, we are building children as a whole in regards to life in general. Everything is a learning experience. We learn just as much on the playground, lunchroom, bus, and through each other as we do through textbooks, homework, and assignments. It all goes hand and hand.

On this site, you will find links to homework, a few library policies, the lunch program, a few interesting websites we utilize within the library and most importantly my blog.