About Me

My name is Christopher Stultz.

First of all... I really enjoy being a part of A.E.S. and Conval... The feeling I get when I walk into this school is hard to describe. I absolutely LOVE it!

A little about me...

I'm a dad, a husband, a coach, a college football fan, a teacher, and a memory maker.

I have 2 amazing daughters and a wife. Caroline is 13, in 8th grade at GBS. Ella is 10, in 5th grade at GBS. When I am not teaching or spending time with my family, my favorite activities are sports, building things, spending time on my boat, and coming up with creative ideas. Chances are you'll find me here at AES in my spare time, if you're ever so inclined to come looking for me.

I really enjoy teaching. My favorite part of my job is to watch a child grow and adding my thumbprint to their development and memories. I work very hard to help each child reach their potential. I recognize how important my role is. It's my job to build a strong foundation of learning that will will foster a love of learning, that will last for lifetime.