
Did you know that there Art Teachers have written curriculum that we try to follow for every project that we help your student to create? General education, or classroom teachers are often given a curriculum that they are to follow with each and every one of their lessons, but Art teachers are given the opportunity to create our own curriculum guided by a set of guidelines known as standards. At the ConVal Elementary Schools, we have created our curriculum by combining the National Visual Arts Standards and fairly new way of teaching art called Teaching for Artistic Behavior, or TAB.

There is so much to talk about when talking about the TAB approach to Art Education, and I would love to talk with you about it if you find yourself curious about what the approach looks like in your student's Art Room. But to give you a place to research first, visit the Teaching for Artistic Behavior website first. It is where I got the picture to the left which gives a simple glance to what it is all about. But please, click here to find out more about this incredible style to Visual Arts Education.

The next part of this web page is to help you, as a parent, better understand what you see on your student's report card when it comes to Art. I am sure that you have noticed that the grade that your student gets in Art is no longer a traditional letter grade, but a letter grade that has some different meanings. Well, the documents below were created by a few of the Elementary Art Teachers within the ConVal School District, in order to help you better understand what the I, D, WS, NE, and NA mean in your child's Art grade on their report card. I hope you find it helpful.

Kindergarten Report Card Indicator Explanation .pdf
Grade 1 Report Card Indicator Explanation.pdf
1st Grade
Grade 2 Report Card Indicator Explanation.pdf
2nd Grade
Grade 3 Report Card Indicator Description.pdf
3rd Grade
Grade 4 Report Card Indicator Explanation.pdf
4th Grade