3D Studio Art

Course Description:

The primary focus of this class will be exploring art and design concepts through three dimensional materials such as, cardboard, paper, wire, found objects and plaster. The specific projects, media and concepts will be based on the number of times you’ve taken the class, your abilities and work ethic. This is a multi-level class where students may be attending for the first, second, or third time. While primarily a studio class there will be regular writing assignments, homework and technology expectations.

Learning Objectives/Competencies: 

This course explores the following essential questions: 

Students receive narrative feedback on 4 assessment areas:

Course Requirements and Assignments: 

Students will develop a studio practice, complete sketchbook assignments, thoughtfully participate in reflection and critique activities, and build a visual arts portfolio. 

At Midterm, students will give an “in process” presentation on where they’ve been and where they’re headed.  This midterm grade will be a Pass/Fail/Incomplete grade with narrative feedback including an estimated grade range.

At the end of the semester a final formal presentation will be given that highlights the students accomplishments and growth in the time we’ve been together. 

Grading Procedure: 

Assessment is and will be a constant and ongoing process. Students will be talking and writing with their instructor and peers on a daily basis about their work (i.e. what is working, what is not, and how to proceed).

Some letter grading and terminology will be utilized this semester using the scale outlined below:

Exceeds Expectations:  4 - A

Meets Expectations: 3-B

Approaching Expectations: 2-C

Minimal evidence has been produced:  1 - D

A final letter grade of A, B, C, F will be determined based on the Mode of our 4 assessment areas in combination with the final presentation. 

Re-Do Policy:

We are all about revising over here! We hope that you will make multiple attempts at projects throughout the semester. It is not too late to try something again until we reach the end of the course. 

Google Classroom: 

All course materials will be shared via Google Classroom. Parents and Guardians may request access to follow our Google Classroom.  Google Classroom invite codes can be found in our daily slide show that's shared with students. 

Tardiness & Attendance: 

You will get the most out of this class if you are on-time and present in mind & body for class.

This is our procedure when students are tardy:

1st Tardy - Verbal Warning from the teacher

2nd Tardy - Verbal Warning from the teacher

3rd Tardy - Teacher makes contact with Parent & looks for improvement in the following week.

4th Tardy- Student will receive a “write-up” to Mr. Bartsch. Any subsequent tardies will be written up until the student has a month free of incident. 

Attendance Expectations 

● Students are expected to attend school for the 180 days scheduled by the district per year. Parents need to call the attendance administrative assistant at 603-924-3869 ext. 3232 to report their student absent on the day that the student will be absent. 

● If that is not possible, parents must send a note with the student upon his/her return to school. Absences may be pre-approved by an administrator prior to the needed absence. Such requests must be made in writing (a form is available for this purpose in the main office) and may be considered as excused. Students will be allowed to make up missed work if the absence is excused.

Electronic Device Procedure: 

Academic Honesty and Plagiarism:

ConVal High School is committed to the intellectual development of a student’s original work. Students who attempt to receive credit for work which is not their own are depriving themselves of an opportunity to learn and progress. Please see p. 20 of the Student Handbook for further information.

Students will only use images in presentations that are their own, or are properly cited and free of copyright infringement. 

(www.photosforclass is a great resource)