Instructions to Authors

Instructions for Authors and Editors of Contact In Context

Submission by email attachment to editors @ of both manuscripts and reviews of the published manuscripts is required. Articles that have been posted on preprint servers are welcome as long as the licensing terms on the preprint server permit it (Contact in Context treats its preprint and regular articles the same for copyright purposes.) Authors can email PDF files, Word .docs or hyperlinks to Google Docs. Once an article is accepted for publication, the corresponding author will be given access to edit his or her files in the publication folder. When the authors are satisfied with the feedback on the preprints, they may request that the editors copy the articles to a PDF in the journal.

Reviews of manuscripts are published as Google Docs in the same folder as the original manuscript and supplementary data. The author may respond to these reviews in another Google Doc, but may not edit them.

Authors are encouraged but not required to use the Contact In Context Desktop Document Template or the Mobile Document Template for preparing manuscripts for submission. Reviewers should also submit reviews by email attachment to editors @


Authors retain copyright of their manuscripts and can choose from a number of Creative Commons distribution/reuse options. Articles get Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). Once an article is published, however, it cannot be removed by the author. Manuscripts published by Contact in Context are citable and part of the scientific record. They are indexed by services that create a permanent digital presence independent of Contact in Context. As a result our policy is that papers cannot be removed. Authors may, however, have their manuscript marked as "Withdrawn" if they no longer stand by their findings/conclusions or acknowledge fundamental errors in the manuscript. In these cases, a statement explaining the reason for the withdrawal is posted on the manuscript page.

Ethical Guidelines

The editors of Contact In Context have adopted a set of ethical guidelines for editors, authors, and manuscript reviewers. These guidelines are offered not in the sense that there is currently a problem in ethical behavior, but rather from a belief that the observance of high ethical standards is so important to all scientific enterprise that a definition of those standards should be brought to the attention of all affected by them.