Call for Papers

Contact In Context hereby solicits papers for publication in the journal. Contact in Context combines the best parts of a preprint server and an online peer-reviewed journal, and uses the Google platform for articles that are undergoing revisions and reviews before archiving the articles as PDFs on the main journal servers. Contact In Context is a screened, post-publication peer-reviewed, web-based journal designed as a free-of-charge forum for rapid publication of scientific research. Contact In Context publishes concepts, proposals, and results of studies in topics such as spectrometry, electrical engineering, technology development and assessment studies, chemistry, physics, mathematics and statistics, computational science, pharmaceutical science, clinical science, futures studies, and more. Unlike many other journals, Contact in Context encourages scientists to publish their negative results of well-designed studies. In science, you usually learn more from the negative experiments than you learn from the ones with positive results.

Material for publication should be submitted to editors @

Full papers, Technical Notes, and Short Communications may be published with peer review, and Letters to the Editor about papers published in the journal may also be published (with editing). Contact in Context is indexed by Chemical Abstracts as well as other databases. Papers on SETI-related hardware, software, search strategies, and philosophy are welcome, along with other papers on science and engineering.

The journal publishes peer reviews after publication in the same folder with the published manuscripts, revealing the expert perspectives that help shape your research through continuing dialog with the scientific community.

The journal publishes protocols and you can provide extra context to your study by including methodological details. The journal also publishes open data, ensuring future scientists have the building blocks to your study.