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Early Intervention Referrals: 610-829-4800

PA is one of only 6 states that fully funds Early Intervention Services.

**If your child qualifies for EI services, (Birth to 3 years old), your child is also eligible for Medical Assistance benefits.

In Early Intervention your child will have an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).

Early intervention assesses your child’s development in the following areas:

Physical Development-Ability to move, see, and hear

Speech and Language Development-Ability to talk and express needs

Social/Emotional Development-Ability to relate to others

Self Help/Adaptive Development-Ability to eat, dress, and take care of oneself

Cognitive Development-Ability to think and learn

Standardized tools are used for all evaluations.

There are three ways to qualify for EI services:

1. Your child exhibits a 25% delay in one or more areas of development.

2. A specialist’s determination that there is a delay even though it doesn’t show up on the assessment (called informed clinical opinion).

3. Your child has a known medical condition which have a high probability for developmental delays.

Children can also qualify for tracking services if they are of low birth weight (under 3.5 lbs), in the NICU, born to a chemically dependent mother, seriously abused/neglected, have dangerous level of lead poisoning, or if the child is experiencing homelessness.

EI services are family and routine based and should be provided in the child’s natural environments (home and community based). EI staff should help to coach and empower caregivers to enhance their child’s learning and growth. Staff will use what is in the child’s environment to foster this growth. EI services can include: Service Coordination, Family Training, Special Instruction (Teacher), Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Vision Supports, Hearing Supports, and Others specified by Law.

Colonial Intermediate Unit 20: Early Intervention Summary – Early Intervention – Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 (

**If your child qualifies for EI services, (3-5 years old), your child MAY BE eligible for Medical Assistance benefits with a letter of medical necessity from a physician.

In the Preschool program your child will have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). This means that the child has qualifying scores that are educationally impacting.

They look at the same areas of development and have the same type of specialist as the Early Intervention program.

In the Preschool program your child qualifies based on a delay exhibited on the testing criteria. They do not have tracking or informed clinical opinion.

When qualifying, your child is entitled to specialized instruction which can look different from child to child. It can be classroom, childcare, home, or be preschool based.

**In both programs the staff provides a seamless transition between each program from Infant/Toddler to Preschool to the School District.

IU 20 funnels to 13 school districts.