Reading Diagnostic Interpretation

Why do we do this again?

By working on these fundamentals, your students build skillsets that transfer and scale to every part and level of education. If you identify areas for improvement and work at them hard, you can dramatically better the total educational experience of your student.

To clarify, these diagnostics measure

  • Phonics-the ability to pronounce words and sounds accurately (word lists)

  • Oral fluency-the ability to read aloud accurately at certain paces (passage)

  • Reading comprehension-the ability to accurately understand the text and answer questions regarding it (passage questions)

**Each topic is discussed in greater detail on their own pages, it's important to understand the components of each to better lesson plan.

Identify if any of these levels are low relative to your student's grade level, and then proceed to the relevant parts of the website to find useful resources and information.

How to evaluate the diagnostics:

Reading comprehension and phonics are pretty easy to measure, compare the student's score with the rubric at the bottom to identify their level. I strongly suggest you watch the video on the "Reading Diagnostics" page to explain what you're looking for. At their grade level, anything below independent can be worked on.

Oral fluency is easy to track but can be hard to calculate. Divide the total amount of words by the amount of seconds it took to read them aloud to get words/second. Next, multiply that value by 60 to get words per minute (WPM). Here's a calculator that can help you out too: Disregard their chart of acceptable WPMs, instead refer to the more complete one below.
