Getting Started with Calendar

Google Calendar lets you quickly schedule meetings and events and receive reminders about upcoming activities. Calendar is designed for teams, so it's easy to share your schedule and events with others. You can easily create multiple calendars that the entire team can use together.

View the Calendar

To view your Calendar while logged in to your G Suite account, click the 9-box grid to the left of your account icon, near the upper right corner of your window. From the resulting pop-up menu, click the Calendar icon.

Calendars can be viewed by day, week, month, year, and more. To specify the calendar view, click the pop-up menu between the magnifying glass and gear icons, near the upper right corner of your window.

Create a Calendar Event

To create an event, simply click once in an open area on the desired day. Add an event title (for example, "Staff Meeting" or "Offsite Training.")

Choose the date (or dates) for the event. You can indicate whether it's an all-day event or specify a start and end time (such as 12pm-2pm).

Depending on how your calendar settings were configured by your Super Administrator, you may have access to one or multiple calendars. If you have access to more than one calendar, you can select which calendar to add the event to by clicking the drop-down arrow to the right of the default calendar name.

At this point you can simply click "Save" and your event will be added to the calendar. However, if you'd like to add additional event details such as location, or to invite guests, click "More Options."

If you clicked "More Options," you'll see a screen similar to this one.

If this is a repeating event, you can specify how often the event should repeat on the calendar.

To add a location for the event, click "Add location" and enter an address.

Click "Add notification" to create a notification for the event. Notifications can be sent via email or desktop (or mobile, if the event is being created on your smartphone).

You can update your availability during the event's scheduled timeframe by changing "Free" to "Busy" (to the right of the briefcase icon). You can also specify the event's visibility as "Public" or "Private" from the "Default visibility" drop-down menu.

You can include details or notes about the event, or add attachments, in the area at the bottom of the screen.

You can invite people to view your event by clicking in the "Add guests" box. You can simply type your guest's name if their info is stored in your Contacts list. Otherwise, type the guest's email address.

Specify whether guests can modify the event, invite others, and/or see the guest list. (You can also uncheck all of these options.)

When you've finished adding the event information and guest list, click the blue "Save" button. If you've added guests to the event, a pop-up message will ask if you'd like to send them invitations. "Cancel changes" will return you to the previous screen for further event modification. Otherwise, click "Don't Send" or "Send" as you prefer.

If you sent invitations to guests, they'll receive an emailed invitation from Google Calendar.

Create a Reminder

If you'd like to create a calendar reminder for yourself instead of an event, click once in an open area on the desired day and then click "Reminder" instead of "Event."

Type in the title for your reminder (for example, "Call Sharon" or "Pick up lunch"). If you'd like to be reminded at a specific time, uncheck "All day" and enter a time next to the date.

If you'd like to set a recurring reminder, such as for paying a monthly bill, click the drop-down arrow next to "Does not repeat" and choose the reminder frequency. When finished, click "Save" to add the reminder to your calendar.

Share Your Calendar

If you'd like other people to access your calendar so they can view, edit, and/or create events, you can easily share it.

While viewing your calendar, you'll see a list of available calendars at the left side of the screen, below "My calendars." (Please note, depending on how your calendar settings were configured by your Super Administrator, one or multiple calendars may be visible.)

To share a calendar, hover your cursor over the calendar's name and three vertical dots will appear to the right of the name. Hover your cursor over the three vertical dots and you'll see "Options for [your calendar name]."

Click once on the three vertical dots, then select "Settings and sharing" from the pop-up menu.

On the resulting screen, below the section "Share with specific people," click "Add people."

Enter one or more email addresses.

To specify calendar and event permissions for the person or people you're adding, click the "Permissions" drop-down menu.

When done adding email addresses, click "Send." The people you've added will receive an emailed invitation from Google Calendar.

Reserve Resources

If you'd like to reserve a conference room (or any other company resource or equipment) when creating your event, Calendar Resources allows you to do so.

Your Super Administrator has the ability to add company resources via the Admin Console. Resources can include meeting or conference rooms, projectors, TVs, laptops, company cars, or anything else.

Once your Super Administrator has added resources, you'll be able to reserve them when creating an event.

Each resource is assigned its own unique email address (ask your Super Administrator for a list). To add a resource to your event, type its email address in the "Add Guests" field when creating the event (see "Add Additional Event Information" above). Once done adding resources, click "Save."

Once added, the resource's name will be visible to the right of the building icon on the guest list.

If your Super Administrator would like assistance adding resources to your G Suite account, please contact us. We can walk them through the process or, if they provide us a list of resources, we can add the resources.

Create a New Calendar

If you'd like to create your own calendar, click the + sign next to the gray "Add a coworker's calendar" box in your left sidebar. (Please note, depending on how your G Suite account is configured, this may say "Add a friend's calendar.")

Select "New calendar."

Give your new calendar a name plus a description (if desired), then click "Create Calendar."

To configure calendar settings or share your calendar with others, follow the "Share Your Calendar" instructions above.

You can change the color of the calendar by hovering over its name in the left sidebar, clicking the three vertical dots, and selecting your preferred color.