Uniform Lists

Little Conifers Uniform List.pdf

Little Conifers Nursery & Pre-School Uniform

Pre-Prep Winter Uniform List.pdf

Pre-Prep Winter Uniform

Pre-Prep Summer Uniform List.pdf

Pre-Prep Summer Uniform

Prep Winter Uniform List.pdf

Prep Winter Uniform 

Prep Summer Uniform List.pdf

Prep Summer Uniform

master order form.xlsx

Uniform Order Form 

The order form can be used at any point throughout the School Year. Once completed please send to Katie at office@conifersschool.com.

You will be notified once the order is ready, which can be collected and paid for in the front office. If you have any questions pleae let Katie know.  

Winter uniform must be worn from Autumn (October) half term and during Spring Term. Summer uniform is to be worn in the Summer Term and is optional in the first half of Autumn Term. There are separate clothing lists for each year group, including school shoes and coats.  

Please book an appointment through office@conifersschool.com or send your requirements and we will arrange for payment and collection via the office.Special opening times are available at the start of each term. 

All items of the children’s clothing must be clearly marked. This applies to all items including towels, footwear and watches. Whilst we make every effort to keep children and their possessions together, things do sometimes go astray, and we strongly urge you to provide your children with serviceable rather than expensive equipment. Each child in the Prep Department is allocated a locker space for their prep bags with space available for sport kit bags.


In the interest of good handwriting children should use a blue Berol Handwriting pen, ball point or roller ball pen. Pupils in Form VI and above are required to have a scientific calculator for maths. We encourage all pupils to bring in their own pencil case.

A suggested list, in case useful would be:

Text Books

All textbooks are owned by the school and are loaned to the children for use. The cost of replacement sets of textbooks is considerable and we ask for parents’ co-operation in maintaining these in good condition.  Any child who loses a textbook will be charged for a replacement.