Joining our School

Please enter this area of the Parent Hub if you are joining Conifers School from Reception Class up to Form VIII.

CONIFERS Welcome Pack 1-8 23.pdf

Conifers School Welcome Pack

Please download and complete each form and return to or by hand to the school office.


Conifers School Terms and Conditions

Please download, read and sign and return to or by hand to the school office.

In addition to the above please ensure that the Admissions Team have the following:

If you haven’t already done so, a Registration Fee of £100 and Confirmation Deposit of £500 (which is returnable) is due for payment prior to your first day of school and to secure your place. You can pay this fee via BACS payment to the following school account. Please use your surname as a reference:


Conifers School
Metro Bank
Account Number 41520353
Sort code – 23-05-80

A copy of your child's most recent school report, and where possible the previous two years.

A copy of your child's original and full birth certificate and/or passport

Any SEN or relevant reports to allow us to best support your child

Copies of any necessary medical documentation

Completed joining documents found within the Welcome Pack

SIgned Terms and Conditions

Completed Registration Form signed by all parents that have parental responsibilty