What is Movember?

Do you know about Movember? It is a worldwide event that we celebrate every year in November. The purpose is to raise money and awareness for men's health issues, in particular cancer.

At Concordia, during Movember, we earn money by doing Bake Sales and a Mustache Competition. All of the money we raise gets donated to SympaMeals.

Why we grow Mustaches?

Men grow mustaches during Movember as a way to bring awareness to cancer. Usually, the mustache growers raise money by growing the most unique mustache possible, and people donate money to the person with their favorite mustache.

Movember 2020.mp4

The Mustache Guy

Our Movember service project has gotten the attention of MJ Johnson, the mustache and beard world champion.

Check out his video, where he sends us his support as we begin Movember.