Call for Academic Papers and Poster Presentations along the lines of the theme of Space, Philosophy and Ethics may be approached interdisciplinarily from the Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Humanities, Social Sciences, Theology, Philosophy, Film, Ethics, Science Fiction and Pop Culture; though this list is not intended to be exhaustive nor restrictive. Some specific ideas for exploration are as follows.



For space science people, this conference is a platform to discuss the subconscious philosophical and ethical implications of their research that have been in the back of their minds while researching. For philosophers and non-specialists, it is an opportunity to learn together and struggle to find solutions for the philosophical and ethical quandaries that space science, exploration and technology present to humanity.

Paper proposals should include an abstract of 150-300 words outlining the topic related to the theme, method and purpose. The paper should be close to 2,000 words. The presentation should last around 25 minutes with approximately 5 minutes for question and answer. PowerPoint, Blu-ray/DVD and Internet are available for the presentation.


Poster proposals should also provide an abstract of 150-300 words outlining the topic related to the theme, method and purpose. Posters should be approximately 6 feet long and 4 feet wide. Presenters are expected to stay with their poster or artwork during the scheduled session in order to field questions and dialogue about the topic of the poster. NB Poster proposals should be identified as such in the opening line of the abstract.


Deadline extended for proposal submission to Friday 06th October 2023. Fill out the form below to submit an abstract for the conference.