Teachers - Setting up a Google Classroom

Teachers - Create a Google Classroom

Setting up Your Google Classroom.webm

To set up your Google Classroom, visit https://classroom.google.com, and look for the "+" symbol in the upper right portion of the screen and "Create Class".

For a video walk through of how to set up your Google Classroom, plus tips on adjusting your Google Classroom settings and the look and feel of it, check out the video to the left!

Teachers - Organize Classwork Topics

Your Google Classroom learning assignments and materials can be organized into Topics on your Classwork page. Think of topics like multiple headings on a document that help organize your work. Check out the video to the right to learn how!

Create Google Classroom Topics.webm

Teachers - Invite Students to Your Google Classroom

Invite Students to Google Classroom.webm

There are 3 different ways to add students to your Google Classroom. Check out the video to the left to learn how:

  1. Display the "Class code" of 6-7 letters and numbers. When students select the "+" button in the upper right after visiting Google Classroom, they'll be able to type this code in and they'll be automatically joined!

  2. There's also a "join link" that you can copy when selecting the class code. Pasting that link into an email and sending it to the student or parent and having them click on that link will also join them to your classroom.

  3. In the "People" tab there's a button to invite students (or other teachers). Typing their name or email address in the search box will send them an invitation to join.

Pick your favorite method, but all 3 work fine!