Siena Harrigan

Siena Harrigan is a sophomore at Hopkinton High School. She is actively involved in the international club at Hopkinton, which works to welcome the international exchange students and helps them get accustomed to the school. Recently, she served on a student panel for a diversity and inclusion forum, and plans to do more with that in the future. Siena enjoys taking French at school and learning about world cultures. She is also involved in high school softball. This summer, Siena had the opportunity to visit a school for girls in The Gambia, West Africa. She spent three weeks at the school teaching classes, taking classes, getting to know the students, and learning about Gambian culture. This experience changed her outlook on many world issues and aspects of her own life, and it has inspired her to share the school’s story. As a result, Siena has become a strong supporter and advocate for girls’ education.