Laura Pohl

Laura Pohl is a senior at Concord Carlisle High School. Her favorite studies have been Art, Sociology, Rhetoric, and Spanish. She is a Captain of the Varsity Competition Cheerleading squad after being a four-year member of the school’s team. This year the team was Dual County League and Regional 1st place Champions, as well as state finalists, making 2018 the cheerleaders most successful year in CC history. She has played piano for 11 years, and pursues art and crafting both at school and in her free time. Laura has been recognized for her artistic talents at art shows and within her school. She works 5 days a week at her two jobs; one as a part-time nanny, and another at a local country store. Laura has a twin sister Elena, and an older and younger brother. Her parents are both public school teachers. Laura is a proud Canadian-American dual citizen and is excited to attend Bishops University in Quebec this fall. Her dream is to be a children's book illustrator. She loves dogs and is elated for this opportunity to share her experience and message about animal adoption.