Charlie Peachey

I’m Charlie Peachey and I am currently a freshman student at Plymouth State University in Plymouth, NH. Throughout my time in high school I have contributed to the launch of three different weather balloons, created a weather themed educational event for the community, presented research at two professional level conferences, collaborated with a school in New Jersey to better the weather balloon launches, and have gone to several different classes grades 3-9 to teach others about the basics of the atmosphere using data from the several different weather balloon launches. After my time in high school I have gone on to major in Meteorology and minor in Technical Mathematics at Plymouth State University. I have also been accepted to a national science foundation research project focused on improving undergraduate STEM education in the geosciences through the tracking of water in the white mountains lake shed system. My goal after college is to use my degree in meteorology to find a job in a related field. I have found a great passion for metrology because of my work throughout high school and college. I also found an interest in sharing my passion with others, so they will hopefully be inspired to one day go into a similar field of work.