
It is not one mitigation strategy, but combining all these strategies will substantially reduce the risk of transmission. In other words, establishing a culture of health and safety in our schools that focuses on regularly enforcing these important practices is more important than any one measure.

DESE guidance indicates that students grades 2 and above are required to wear a mask that covers their nose and mouth. Adults, including educators and staff, are required to wear masks. Masks are required to be worn by everyone on the bus during school bus transportation.

At a local level, we will require that all students wear masks. Mask wearing will be enforced. Safe opportunities for mask breaks will be provided as part of the daily schedule at all levels. The district purchased transparent masks for all staff. Families are obligated to provide students with masks when able. If unable, the school will provide a disposable mask. Masks will be worn at all times on transportation, in the building, and when not social distancing on campus except during mask breaks

The importance of community cooperation for all safety measures, including wearing a mask cannot be overstated. Anyone unwilling to follow these standards and protocols will leave the facility immediately. Students not adhering to our standards and protocols will complete the semester remotely.

Mask Breaks

Students will have at least two mask breaks per day. If additional mask breaks are scheduled, identify spaces (ideally outdoors) to utilize.

Requirements: Spaces for mask breaks must allow students to be at least 6 feet apart.

Handwashing facilities or hand sanitizer must be available upon entering and leaving this space.

The mask break procedure is as follows.

  • There are two designated mask breaks in the schedule.

  • The first one is for grades 9 and 10 and the second one is for grades 11 and 12.

  • During the two specified mask breaks, the two listed grades will be dismissed from their classes first and proceed outside. Five minutes later, the other two grades will transition to their next class. During the last five minutes of the mask break, the listed grades will return into the building and proceed to their next class