Cleaning Protocols

School cleaning and disinfecting (MM)

Although it is not the main way the virus spreads, it may be possible for an individual to get COVID-19 by touching an object that is contaminated and then touching their own mouth, nose or possibly eyes. Ensure facilities are properly cleaned and disinfected each day following the guidelines below:


Cleaning and disinfecting should occur at least daily for shared spaces and

furniture. For high-touch surfaces (e.g., door handles, light switches, water fountains,

toilet seats) cleaning and disinfecting should occur three to four times per day and/or

between uses.


Desks should be cleaned at least daily, but we ask all students and staff to take responsibility for their personal space. Disinfecting wipes will be in every classroom, and we ask all members of our community to clean their personal space prior to usage. Carefully choose disinfectant

solutions that require a short dwell or drying time will be used by our custodial staff.

Electronics: Consider putting a flat, wipeable cover on electronics that are

difficult to clean (e.g., keyboards). Follow manufacturer’s instruction to

determine the appropriate disinfectant solution and how to properly clean and

disinfect. If there is no guidance, use alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at

least 60 percent ethanol or 70 percent isopropanol.

Responsibility: Dedicated custodial staff should handle all disinfection requiring

chemicals for facilities (e.g., classrooms, bathrooms, mask break areas) and high-touch

objects (e.g., door handles, light switches, water fountains). For other surfaces, determine cleaning responsibility on a case-by-case basis. For shared and high-touch items such as desks, cleaning responsibility may be shared by students, if the task is age-appropriate and safe.

Disinfectant solutions: To select the proper disinfectant, review the suggested list on the EPA website. Consider using an alcohol solution with at least 60 percent ethanol or 70 percent isopropanol, a diluted bleach solution (if prepared daily to ensure efficacy), or an EPA-approved disinfectant unless otherwise instructed by the manufacturer’s

instructions. When selecting a disinfectant solution, consider the dwell time, which

surfaces are used as eating surfaces, and the potential risk of triggering asthma symptoms for sensitive individuals.

Mask disposal: If a reusable mask breaks and needs to be thrown out or if a single-use

mask needs to be disposed of, it should be placed into the nearest trash can by the

individual who wore the mask. The individual should immediately put on a new mask

after washing their hands.

We will provide handwashing and/or hand sanitizing stations in the following common areas and ensure there are enough supplies (soap and sanitizer) at all times to accommodate frequent hand washing and sanitizing:

• All entries and exits

• In bathrooms

• In classrooms

• In libraries and shared activity spaces

• Next to meal distribution and consumption areas

• Next to water fountains that require touch to operate

• Next to mask break areas (if additional mask break areas are identified)