Izabelle Brandli

SMy name is Izabelle Brandli! Next year I am attending SAIC (School of the Art institute of Chicago) to pursue a bachelor of fine arts with a concentration in teaching. I hope to end up in a university teaching. Edgar Degas said: “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” As an artist, I love to make real-life things but, from a different perspective. I like to draw in the color I resemble it with or how I feel connected with it. I don’t want to make art that I can walk outside and be surrounded by, I want to make things that are unimaginable in real life. I want to create images of the world the way I see it, not copies of reality. Colors in my mind are to connect to objects and people. Some of the influences on my style come from Andy Warhol. The richness and the blocking of colors are very important in my works, but I don’t consider my art ‘pop art’ as Warhol would. My focus is on color theory, not on how the colors are added. I don’t make art that is classic or traditional. Putting bright and lively colors on a canvas brings butterflies to my stomach. It makes me so happy to create a project that you don’t just view with your eyes, but with your soul.