College & Career
Research CenteR
Under typical circumstances, it can be said that the spring of eleventh grade is a very important time in the college research process. However, it might be an understatement to say that this spring will be anything but typical. Even though the current pandemic is making this process a bit more complicated, your counselor will work closely with you as you engage in considerable thought, discussion and research. With appropriate effort on your part, you will be able to reach a successful decision in a timely manner.
This site was developed as a guide to assist you in the college research and admissions process. This guide along with the resources posted to the Guidance Google Classrooms, will enable you to move efficiently and effectively through this process with as little anxiety as possible.
As you begin the college process, keep in mind the sage advice of some famous people. Vince Lombardi said, “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” Samuel Goldwyn said, “The harder I work the luckier I get.” And Maya Angelou said “Nothing will work unless you do.”
Now get to work! Good Luck!