Social Studies

What Will We Learn?

The focus of our formal studies this year will be people and places in the world. During the year I add special units that help the kids develop a mental "Timeline" of major milestones in history. We begin by learning some map skills using the consumable book Map Skills, then jump into applying our knowledge as we explore a units about Columbus through both Primary and Secondary sources, life in 1620 compared with life in 2015, and a study of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement.

In the second half of the year, we will be enjoying cross curricula studies of China, Ireland,and Mexico. We conclude the year with an independent study of our individual heritage and Immigration by studying about the people that helped bring each of our families to the United States of America.


Maps and Globes vocabulary and definitions

compass rose - a symbol usually found on a map or globe that shows the directions: north, south, east, and west

continent - a very large body of land. The Earth has 7 continents: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica

hemisphere - half of the globe or half of Earth. The four hemispheres are Northern,Southern, Eastern, and Western. ( the root word "hemi" means half )

Equator - the imaginary line that goes around the middle of Earth. The Equator divides Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

geography - about Earth and how people live and work on Earth

lines of latitude - lines that circle Earth north and south of the Equator . They are numbered and marked by degrees. (This is a horizontal map or globe "guide- line" that helps you find the locations of any place on Earth!)

lines of longitude - lines that circle Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole. They are marked by degrees. (This is a vertical map or globe "guide- line" that helps you find the locations of any place on Earth!)

grid - a pattern of lines that cross each other to form squares. Lines of latitude and longitude form grids on maps that help people find locations on Earth.

Helpful Links

Geo spy Geography Game : Have fun practicing the names and locations of continents and countries on this site.

Geo net game

Global Trek : Take a virtual trip to any country and discover fun and interesting

Thanksgiving Story : A Thanksgiving story from Scholastic