Community Service & Special Projects

I believe that community service is an invaluable part of a child's education. Through taking part in service projects children grow in their awareness of the importance and impact their efforts can make in the lives of others.

Veterans Day

Our class will be writing letters and designing patriotic art work to send to our local Veterans Hospital. This is part of an on going project started years ago by a very special former student of mine named Micheal. He started this project in honor of his grandfather who was a patient in the VA Hospital at that time. The project has been continued by his brother Mat, another superstar former student of mine, and I am honored to continue taking part in the tradition that they started to honor those who have given so much to our country.


On November Friday November 20th our class will be baking pumpkin pies and quick breads for families in need who live in our community. We will be looking for donations of specific ingredients to help our big baking project be a successful one. Please call our class mom who will be coordinating our supplies if you can make a donation for our service project.

As part of our study of the celebration of winter holidays around the world, we will be focusing on the traditions surrounding Posada as celebrated in Mexico. Pinatas are a popular tradition particularly during this celebration. We will be creating a snow man piñata out of paper maché and filling it with student donations of individually wrapped "unbreakable" candies. Our Pinata will be a holiday gift to the children of Little Flower Childrens' Service, from our class.

Mother's Day

Donations for mothers and children in homeless shelters. Our class has joined the efforts of students and teachers of Suffolk Community College in helping provide children who are in shelters a gift to give their moms on Mother's Day. We are collecting personal care items such as lotions, soaps, shampoo, perfume, etc. in the front lobby. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer to this worthy cause.