
Our Sponsor - DGCD (Dynamic Group Circuit Design)

Adam works at Dynamic Group Circuit Design (DGCD) and was helpful in getting some funding for us to get team shirts and tournament registration. Adam is knowledgeable in mechanical engineering. They also gave us $300 for our hardware!


At the start of the season we sent out a google form to act as an interview and to gauge interest in our school’s robotics program. We promoted the robotics program at a school assembly with a demonstration, and in the end were able to recruit three new team members. 

World Children's Day Pop-up Festival - November 14, 2021

Our school encourages community members to invite people of all ages to try out social and emotional intelligence as a way to empathize with ourselves, others, and the world. Pleiades had the opportunity to connect with children and adults. We ran last year’s robot, Tacky, and played a game for candy and stickers. This was an amazing chance to provide younger kids a taste for STEM. We also talked to parents and older students about the first program 

School Exhibition - December 15th, 2021

At the end of the semester, our school hosts an exhibition of learning to share all of our hard work with the community. Robotics set up a stand with our new robot, Arson, and our Christmas ornaments that were for fundraising. Many parents and members were supportive and enjoyed our presentations. 

Scrimmages with Rocky Mountain High School - Jan 4th, and Jan 12th, 2022

We are always open to new ideas and support with other teams. Rocky Mountain High School contacted us to scrimmage in hopes to learn something new about the driving and coding process with the games layout.