Office of Sustainability - Columbia STEM Alliance - Boone County/Stormwater Present:

Litter Prevention

Virtual Classroom 

 Learn how you can make a difference in your community with volunteering through litter collection and pollution prevention.

Make a Change! What does litter have to do with me? 

Littering is an ever-increasing worldwide problem. Chances are, you’ve seen litter scattered along roadsides, floating in waterways, or blowing across a parking lot here in Columbia.

The well-being of people, animals, and the environment is compromised by litter. People can become injured by items such as broken glass and are susceptible to disease caused by unsanitary conditions. Animals are at risk to ingest garbage and become trapped and debilitated by waste. The environment becomes threatened when litter invades natural habitats and when toxic chemicals from items, such as plastic, seep into soil and groundwater.

It takes a  long time for litter to break down. An item that is commonly irresponsibly disposed of, a plastic bottle, can take up to 450 years to degrade. Not too far behind, an aluminum can takes an average of 80-200 years to break down. These are just two of the many  items that cause harm if they are not responsibly disposed of.

Many youth  who are concerned about the global litter epidemic are motivated to take action in their communities. Through the City of Columbia, MO - Community Beautification programs and other city and state litter pickup - based initiatives, young people, like you, have launched an abundance of projects aimed at solving the litter issues in our community

Young people, just like you, are organizing community-based clean-ups at their schools and places of worship, with family and friends throughout our community. They are raising awareness about the consequences of littering by educating peers, friends, families, and the everyday public. Countless numbers of young people are making positive changes to solve the litter problem we face. You can, too! 

Here are some suggestions to get you started: Use the resources below to learn more and how to start making a difference today!

 RESOURCES: Increase your understanding on the issue here in Columbia, MO.





 VIDEOS TO WATCH - Increase your knowledge on the issue.

VIDEO  - Seas of Plastic (k-12)

VIDEO  - Trash Traps stops litter (k-12)

Boone County, City of Columbia and the University of Missouri coordinate stormwater activities.

The three institutions are joint holders of a Phase II Stormwater Permit issued by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).