
Data exploration support videos

Data exploration assignments provide the student with raw data and questions about the meaning of the data. Data has a story to tell, statistics can help tell the story. These are more open ended assignments and are challenging for the students. These assignments require the student to apply what they have learned, to demonstrate the ability to choose optimal statistical analyses. The following videos provide support for data exploration assignments whenever they occur during the term. 

12.0 Guided data exploration: Google Sheets to Google Slides using paper aircraft data desktop

12.0 Guided data exploration: Google Sheets app to Google Slides app using paper aircraft data

12.0 Data exploration from sheets to slides note for Excel users only: Moving data from Excel to Sheets to Slides

12.1 An example of a data exploration

12.12 The numbers tell a story

12.2 Exploring a relationship between variables in column B and C of a spreadsheet on a laptop

12.2 Data structure informs statistics options for a laptop
12.2 Data structure informs statistics options for a mobile phone

12.2 Nike Fuel data exploration on a laptop multicolumn dependent data
12.2 Nike Fuel data exploration on a mobile device multicolumn dependent data

12.2 A hint on how to deal with the need to rescale a vertical axis

12.2 Selecting only specific columns in a spreadsheet in Google Sheets mobile app

12.41 A random walk through data

12.5 Data exploration submitted as a presentation: Fibobelly example

12.6 Data dashboard