NorthWest Ordinance and Statehood

Northwest Ordinance and Ohio Statehood

  • Northwest Ordinance (National Archives) - Original text and transcript of the Northwest Ordinance

  • Northwest Ordinance (Ohio History Central) - Summary and background on the Northwest Ordinance

  • Path to Statehood: The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (Ohio History Connection) - Students will learn about the requirements of Northwest Ordinance and about its impact on rest of the United States.

  • A New Nation (Teaching Columbus) - Summary of Northwest Ordinance, Ohio Statehood, the early national period, and the War of 1812 with connections to Columbus, Ohio

  • Founding of Franklinton - (WOSU Columbus Neighborhoods) - Documentary video excerpt with accompanying discussion questions and learning activities from the WOSU Columbus Neighborhoods series

  • A History of the War of 1812 and the Star-Spangled Banner (Smithsonian) - Students will be able to cite the origins and outcome of the War of 1812 and be able to place the creation of the Star-Spangled Banner in a chronological framework.

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