
My name is and I am honored to be serving as the 7th and 8th grade Science teacher at Tabor City Middle School. This school means so much to me because I attended here during my middle school years and much of that experience has remained with me throughout my life. I began to desire teaching because I wanted to be able to a positive influence on children just like my middle school teachers were to me. Educating students with a positive attitude and a sense of purpose motivates them to want to know more about why you find the subject area so intriguing. I feel that a positive approach and a sense of inclusion helps students put forth more effort and encourages them to assist their classmates on their journey of education. The goals I have for myself as well as my students are to better prepare ourselves for the life we have ahead of us. I want them to gain an understanding of real life issues and how to become a successful person in society and not only a successful person but also an genuine good person overall.