Chris McPherson

Welcome to Mrs. McPherson's 2nd Grade Class!!!

  • My classroom is always focused on the specific needs of my students. I work hard to differentiate learning so that each student’s unique skills are emphasized.

  • All my lessons are designed to have students learning through doing: trial-and-error, solving problems, and creating new solutions.

  • One example teaching strategy that I often employ is the guided practice or ‘I do, we do, you do’ method. This approach starts with teacher modelling a practice but involves the gradual release of responsibility to the student until the student can undertake tasks on their own.

  • I set high standards and high expectations by promoting growth mindsets among my students. All my students know that I expect them to try their hardest and strive for improvement every day.

  • I aim to ensure students’ basic needs are met in the classroom so that they feel happy, comfortable, safe and welcomed into the classroom. When students’ basic needs are met, they can focus on learning and personal development.

  • I believe motivated students are engaged, spend more time on task, and cause less disruption to their peers. I therefore work hard to motivate students by modelling an inspired, positive outlook to education every day.