School Counseling 

Welcome! As a School Counselor, I will assist students with their academic, career, and social/emotional development. Throughout my website, you will find resources for parents and students

Meet your School Counselor: 

Hi, I am Mrs. Witherell and I am your School Counselor. I have been a School Counselor since 2018 working at Mountain View Middle School and other schools within the area. I enjoy being a School Counselor to help support and motivate students in life and education. I enjoy talking to all my students and getting to know each one. My office is a safe place for you to come talk with me. 

How can I see Mrs. Witherell?

Before/After School

During break and/or lunch time

Ask your teacher during class time 

Write me a note in the office 

  If you are a student who is being bullied or witnessing bullying at school, please see the link below to report. 

If you are a parent who is aware of bullying, please contact the school to talk with a staff member. 

Bullying Report Form 

stop bullying