Data Mining Final Project


This project, by Grace Cooper, Piya (Leo) Ngamkam, and Amanda Bowden, seeks to ask questions about the weather for the Polynesian/Oceanic region using data taken from the Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2). We're trying to compare historical data to future predictions and see if we can extrapolate meaningful conclusions about climate change for the region.

For an explanation of the topic, please see the Introduction page.

For a look into the data source, the data used, and some visualizations, please see the Data Exploration Page.

For a list of sources used, please see the References page.

The GitHub for this project is linked here, and you can also access it by clicking the button at the bottom of the page:

The Link to the PDF Report on this project in ACM formatting is embedded below.Also available as a link:

Please note that if you want to run any of this code yourself, you need to download the files under 'Processed Data', run the Data_Mining_Milestone2_Data_Exploration.ipynb file until you have the colab files created, load all 30 processed data files (10 for each variable/file) into the colab environment, and keep going.
