
Spring 2022 - MATH 2400 Calculus 3

Welcome to MATH 2400 Calculus 3! Here you can find my notes from class, links to resources at CU, and links to resources outside CU.

Class Zoom room: 940 4020 1502

Office Hours Zoom room: 940 4020 1502

Schedule for the first two weeks can be found here.

My Class Notes

Other Resources:


Course Website


Paul's Online Math Notes

Khan Academy

Previous courses taught

As Instructor of record:

Calculus 3 - Fall 2021, Spring 2022

Calculus 2 - Spring 2019

Calculus 1 - Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Spring 2020

As Teaching Assistant:

Calculus 3 - Fall 2020

Calculus 1 - Spring 2018

Precalculus - Fall 2017