Electrophoresis Reagents

Roger S. Rowlett

Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor, Emeritus

Colgate University Department of Chemistry

SDS-polyacrylamide (SDS-PAGE)

50% Acrylamide/Bis (29:1) Solution

  • 48.3 g acrylamide
  • 1.7 g bis-acrylamide
  • Make to 100 mL with water
  • Store in a dark bottle.

Separating Gel Buffer (1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8)

  • 30.3 g Tris
  • Add 150 mL water and adjust to pH 8.8 with HCl.
  • Make to 250 mL with water.

10% SDS

  • 10.0 g SDS
  • Make to 100 mL with water.

Stacking Gel Buffer (0.375 M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8)

  • 11.4 g Tris
  • Add 150 mL water and adjust to pH 6.8 with HCl
  • Make to 250 mL with water.

10% Ammonium Persulfate

  • 1 g ammonium persulfate
  • Dissolve in 10 mL water.
  • Aliquot and store at –20 °C.

Recipe for 12% separating gel

Makes 25 mL, enough for four 1.0 mm minigels.

  • 6.0 mL 50% Acrylamide/Bis (29:1) solution
  • 9.4 mL Separating Gel Buffer (1 M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8)
  • 250 uL 10% SDS solution
  • 9.0 mL water
  • 20 uL TEMED1
  • 300 uL 10% ammonium persulfate1


  1. Add just prior to polymerization—open time is 5-10 min, full polymerization in 1 hr; layer with deionized water to prevent inhibition of polymerization by oxygen in air.

Recipe for 4% stacking gel

Makes 12.5 mL, enough for four 1.0 mm minigels.

  • 1.0 mL 50% Acrylamide/Bis (29:1) solution
  • 4.2 mL Stacking Gel Buffer (0.375 M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8)
  • 125 uL 10% SDS solution
  • 6.7 mL water
  • 20 uL TEMED1
  • 500 uL 10% ammonium persulfate1


  1. Add just prior to polymerization—open time is 5-10 min, full polymerization in 1 hr; insert comb immediately after pouring..

Running Buffer (10 x)

  • 29.0 g Tris
  • 144.0 g glycine
  • 10.0 g SDS
  • Make to 1000 mL with water.
  • Do not adjust pH

Loading Buffer (2 x)

  • 2.5 mL 0.5 M Tris-Cl, pH 6.8
  • 2.0 mL glycerol
  • 4.0 mL 10% SDS
  • 0.5 mL 0.1 % bromophenol blue
  • 0.5 mL β-mercaptoethanol
  • Make to 10 mL with water
  • Aliquot and store at –20 deg C.

Running Conditions:

250 V constant, expect 60-80 mA per gel at start, 15-25 mA per gel at end. Total run time is approximately 45 min.

Low Toxicity Staining Solution

  • 0.25g Coomassie Blue R-250
  • 100 mL ethanol
  • 100 mL water
  • Stir until dye is dissolved
  • Add 25 mL acetic acid and make to 250 mL with water
  • Store at room temperature in a dark bottle.

Low Toxicity Destaining Solution

  • 400 mL ethanol
  • 100 mL acetic acid
  • Make to 1000 mL with water
  • Store at room temperature