Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership: Call for Papers

A Special Issue on

Workplace Representation

and Its Implications for Workers and Employers

Edited by Alex Bryson, University College London, UK and Lutz Bellmann, Institute for Employment Research, Germany

Worker representation is a controversial topic. Some argue it hampers managers’ right to manage and, as such, creates inefficiencies to the detriment of the firm. Others see workplace representation of employees as an important element in a vibrant democracy, and a valuable counterweight to employer bargaining power. Although the empirical literature identifying the associations between worker representation and outcomes for workers and firms is vast, the varied nature of worker representation across countries and the complexity of employment relations mean many questions remain unanswered. For example, we know very little about: how works councils influence work intensity; whether works councils and team work are complements or substitutes; whether the effects of works councils are stronger or weaker in a recession; and whether the effects of works councils are short-lived or enduring. New datasets, such as those linking employers and workers, and cross-country surveys, offer opportunities for analysts to contribute to the literature by taking a fresh look at the issues raised by worker representation at the workplace.

The new Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership (JPEO) is seeking contributions to a special issue on worker representation at the workplace. The objective is to re-examine the extent and influence of workplace worker representation in nations around the world. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to links between workplace representation and:

  • Wages and benefits;
  • Job quality;
  • Worker wellbeing and job satisfaction;
  • Labour turnover and mobility (quits, layoffs, and absenteeism);
  • Work organization;
  • Innovation;
  • Human resource management, including the use of team work;
  • Incentives, promotion and career development, including training;
  • Discrimination and equality;
  • Corporate governance;
  • Productivity and profitability;
  • Contingent work (short-time, part-time, temporary, and subcontract work);
  • Skill shortages;
  • Employment of foreign and native workers;
  • Collective bargaining;
  • Labor-management cooperation.

While the journal home page including the online submission and review system is being built, please email submissions directly to the Editors at: quoting “Special issue on workplace representation”(the author guidelines and manuscript requirements are available here). The deadline is December 15th 2017. Those wishing to know more about the special issue can also contact either the editors of the special issue - Alex Bryson ( or Lutz Bellmann (

PDF copy of Call for Papers

jpeo call on worker representation.pdf