Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership

New Journal Publishing in 2018: Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership

Emerald Publishing is pleased to announce the launch of the Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership (JPEO) edited by Richard Freeman (Harvard University) and Takao Kato (Colgate University).

The Journal is seeking to publish high quality research on original empirical and theoretical research in the broad area of employee participation and shared capitalism. In particular, the Journal is calling for rigorous analysis of employee participation in decision making at the top and grassroots levels; high-performance, high-involvement work systems; cooperatives; employee ownership; profit sharing; team incentives; broad-based stock option; and other related management practices and human resource management policies.

The journal embraces diverse methodologies ranging from conventional economic analysis (including both econometric and theoretical studies) to new institutional economics (including qualitative analysis) to behavioral and experimental economics. The journal welcomes contributions from a wide range of disciplines, from economics to management science, sociology, political science, public policy, and all other relevant disciplines.

JPEO is managed by a highly respected and experienced editorial team, which spans the globe and reflects the disciplines covered by the title (the Editorial Team is available here).

The Journal of Participation and Employee Ownership is endorsed by the Fellowship Program on Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing at the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA as well as the International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP).

The title will publish 15 papers across 3 issues in 2018, which will be made available free of charge to allow greater visibility of authors’ work. The Editors will do their best to ensure a reasonable timeframe from submission to initial review and final decision, thus allowing fast publication, while operating a rigorous double-blind peer review system.

The journal is now accepting submissions. While the journal home page including the online submission and review system is being built, please email submissions directly to the Editors at: (the author guidelines and manuscript requirements are available here)

For queries on the title, please email the Editors at or the Publisher at Emerald Publishing, Valerie Robillard,

PDF copy of the new journal announcement

JPEO - one page announcement.pdf