Annual Reports

Each year the Green Revolving Load Fund Committee produces an annual report that highlights the financial status of the fund and the projects that were supported.

2023 GRLF Annual Update.pdf


7 = # of projects financed by the GRLF since 2018

$907,558 = amount loaned to finance campus projects since 2018

$759,447 = energy savings returned to the GRLF since 2018

$330,447 = amount received in donations since 2018

$1,152,864 = FY23 End-of-year balanceĀ 

8.6 = average payback in years per project plus 20%

2,486 = tons of greenhouse gases avoided in FY23

2021 GRLF Annual Update (FINAL).pdf
2020 GRLF Annual Update (FINAL).pdf
2019 GRLF Annual Update (FINAL).pdf
2017-18 GRLF Annual Update.pdf