Oak Event Certification 

The Colgate Oak Event Certification program is an initiative created by the Office of Sustainability to promote environment-friendly, socially responsible, and sustainable events on campus. Every year, hundreds of events are hosted on Colgate's campus- from guest speakers to academic conferences. Imagine if each of our events reduced or eliminated waste and sourced food and materials from socially and environmentally responsible suppliers.  The Oak Event Certification program is designed to help you achieve this goal.  Our program provides consultation and resources aimed to assist event planners with actions that help reduce our ecological and carbon footprints.

Why should you get your event certified?

Past Oak Certified Events

SophoMore Connections

Backyard Olympics

CPC Retreat

9/11 Afternoon of Service

Center for Womens Studies Brown Bag

No Mans Land Film Festival

Native American Art Reception

Solve Climate by 2030: A Call for Change in a Changing Climate 

Climate Fireside Chat

Peace and Conflict Brown Bag

DIY Sustainability: Dish Decorating 

Sweaters, Cookies, & Sustainability Brunch 

Ensemble Sonaris - Le Ray au Soleil Concert 

Diving In: Problem Solving and Decision Making 

Case Studies in Leadership and Emotional Intelligence 

Heretics Brown Bag