
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Throughout the last 2 years, we have carried out many activities aimed at disseminating the project and its results. You have some of them below.

Las provincias

Valencian newspaper

bim_diciembre_2018_web pág7-001.jpg


Benetusser local newspaper


Trinec newspaper

Greek school journal

Trinec city official web

Zagreb online newspaper

Spanish school magazine

Trinec city official web

Croatian educational website

Croatian magazine

Czech website

Spanisch school magazine

Trinec city official web


Trinec local television

Croatian educational website

Croatian educational website

Croatian National TV

Croatian Academic and Research Network seminar

Trinec city official web

Croatian magazine specialized in Biology

Valencian schools experiences exchange

Croatian website for teachers and schools

Zagreb news website

Zagreb news website

Good practice workshop

Erasmus schools good practice workshop

Erasmus+ projects dissemination day

Valencian schools seminar