Ag Building Pep Rally

by Angelina Counts

The pep rally that launched off winter break was not only riveting but surprising. On Wednesday December 21st the Colby High School launched their winter break with a pep rally. 

They announced that the attorney’s office donated a 3,500 dollar check for the fund raising of the agriculture building. With this donation the Colby High School met their goals and got to watch Mr. Ryan Muhlig catch a chicken, watched Mr. Travis Betz shave his head, and Mrs. Mary Beth Flanagin get a pie to the face by none other than her own daughter Ali Flanagin. 

The students also got to participate in a scholars bowl meet between fellow classmates and then the winner got to go against the teaching staff, testing them on their knowledge of the school and the staff. These pep rallies will continue to boost our spirit to go beyond and do amazing things.

Starting A new Semester

by Breon Barton

 CHS is buzzing with activity and excitement with the new semester starting. Always wear a raincoat into a rain storm, a person can never be too prepared. 

Many people of the student and staff can already see the end to the school year, for how fast the first semester flew by. Mr. John Cox is in his first year at CHS as he states “I really feel like I have this year down, and I know it is going on and settling to a rhythm now which is good.” 

Clubs are at an all time high right now with field trips happening and many community activities. Jayla Rush for instance is a part of NHS, FFA, and Student Council. “Yes, I can agree that people have the best times in clubs this time of year, with FFA going to a Stock Show in Denver, Monday, January 16. The NHS is finding things to do with the community all the time now, like making gift baskets for the nursing homes.” Jayla has also stated that she is ready for the year to be over so she can be on her way to KansasState University to get her college degree. 

Many studies have shown that the junior year is the hardest. Zane Betz has said “I feel like I have a grip on the year, and the hardest is over so now I can coast on till the end of the year.” 

As the Second Semester starts for the 22-23 school year many students and staff are ready for summer to come quickly.