Live Action Video
Your cell phone and Google Drive...
Making a quick 3 min video for instruction is as easy as taking a picture. We all have cell phones and they are a very easy way to create quick one take video. Once you have the video on your cell phone you can upload the video to your Drive account and share with your students through Google Classroom or Google Sites.
Create Video with Cell Phone:
Live Action Video:
I know this sounds self explanatory but sometimes we get so wrapped up in new technology we forget about the simple solution. Prop your cell phone up on a book or place on tripod. Teach your lesson as normal or head outside and record on location.
Paper Slide Video:
Paper slide videos are a very easy low tech way of making a lesson video. With a little prep you can either use a small whiteboard on a table or pieces of paper. If you want to organize your lesson ahead of time you can write out lessons and drawings on pieces of paper. To the right you will see a couple of examples of teachers using paper slide. This is also a great way for your students to create videos since there is no identifying information showing the student's face.