Santiago High School AVID

•Dream • Strive • Achieve•

Welcome to Santiago High School's AVID Program!

What is AVID?

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an elective program for grades 9-12 that helps students to achieve the necessary requirements and skills to be eligible for university acceptance and future-readiness.

AVID’s mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society.

The program has two major components: tutorials and AVID curriculum. Tutorials occur for half the block schedule on block days and are small study groups that are facilitated by college-aged student tutors who assist students with their studies. Each AVID student is to come prepared for the tutorial with questions from their core or college classes. Groups will work together with the tutor to assist the student in comprehending their point of confusion, and through a reflective learning process, they gain the knowledge necessary to learn how to solve their problem.

AVID curriculum across the grade levels addresses:

• Research Skills • Research Papers • Public Speaking (including how-to speeches, informational speeches, and persuasive speeches) • How to take Focused Notes • Philosophical Chairs • Socratic Seminars • Scholarship & Financial Aid Research • Goal Setting • Mission Statements • Self Discovery & Reflection • Character Development • Tips for Success • Binder Checks and Organizational Tips • Interpersonal Relationships • How to use a planner effectively • Time Management • Money Management (including how to balance a checkbook and using credit cards responsibly) • College Readiness Skills • Tutorials • College Exploration • Career Exploration • The Process of Getting a Job (including resumes, preparing for interviews, mock interviews, filling out job applications, and thank you letters) • Study Skills • Guidance Lessons • Starting Your Own Business •

AVID students also embark on field trips all four years of the program to get first-hand experiences on college campuses. Field trips are scheduled to visit local colleges and universities, providing students with the opportunity to visit the institutions and receive campus tours to help fuel their excitement for their post-secondary education. Check out our Trips tab for more information!

Overall, AVID students are expected to be motivated and determined to achieve university acceptance at the end of their high school career. It will be necessary for AVID students to manage their time so that school and studies become a top priority. This means that they will need to be responsible for making wise and sometimes difficult choices.

Santiago Freshman Experience.pdf
Seniors from the class of 2019 celebrating graduation at our annual AVID senior banquet!

AVID Student Commitments

AVID students must:

  • attend an AVID elective class

  • enroll in one or more advanced academic class (Honors or AP) each semester

  • maintain satisfactory citizenship and attendance in all classes

  • maintain an organized AVID binder with a planner, along with daily notes in all classes

  • complete all homework assignments and commit to studying every night

  • be an active member of their campus or community, becoming involved in community service, campus clubs, sports, etc.

Interested in joining our program? Click here to be taken to our application!